Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wacky Zacky turns 9!!!! Happy Birthday Zachary Jason!

     Whew, another birthday to celebrate!  We have had birthday banners up since Grayson's birthday in January.  Grayson, Brayden and now Zac.  We don't skimp around here.  Each child has their own banners and balloons etc.  Zachary turned 9 on a crazy day.  His Daddy had knee surgery the morning of his birthday.  I had to wake the boys up early to get Dad to his surgery and then Zac off to school.  Here he is early in the morning, feeling very sleepy...
     So we dropped Dad off, his nurse made a big deal about Zac's birthday, which was nice.  And off to school it was for Zac.  I picked Jason up around 11am and brought him back home.  Then it was off to Zac's school to drop off his cupcakes.  I made basketball cupcakes.  It is very hard to get white icing to turn orange.  They turned out great but were slowly melting because the icing was a bit runny after all of the food coloring was added.  Brayden and I took them to the school so Zac wouldn't have to carry them in.  Here they are....
Brayden and I then went off to buy Zac a sports balloon and his presents.  Jason and I got him the new Star Wars 3 video game for the Wii.  Kaitlyn got him some lead pencils and beef jerkey!  And Brayden got him a nerf gun.  The night of his birthday Zac had another party to go to at CN skate palace in Aston.  It was my Godson's birthday party.  And he let Zac blow 4 of his candles out.  On Sat. Zac had his actual birthday party at Oasis.  Oasis is a giant indoor playground with bowling, trampoline basketball, rock climbing and video games.  Every kids dream is here.  It was such a rowdy bunch...18 kids in all....

Let's see...Cammie, Cullen, Coleman, Zac, Vicas, Scott, Andrew, Ben, Shane and others I can't make out in the back!
We had pizza (had to order a 3rd one because these kids were hungry) and cake...
And boy did they sing....

Kylie and Brayden

They all played hard on the playground, did some tampoline basketball, climbed a nice rock wall and just had a blast, how could you not at Oasis?

We also had a family/friends celebration for both Zac and Brayden in between their birthdays.  This was where they got to choose the menu and Zac got his beloved cookie cake that I make each year.  Our good neighbors, the Boyce's, came and so did Gramy and Papa.  We had BBQ ribs (which Jason grilled to perfection), corn on the cob, grilled shrimp, cornbread, fudge, brownies and more! 
Brendan, Gray, Zac, me, Kaitlyn and Brayden with Zac's cookie cake

So I think it was a pretty good year for Zac.  He also got a little brother (like Brayden did as well), went to Disney, spent 2 weeks at the OuterBanks, played football, tried Gaelic football and improved his Basketball game tremendously!  

Bye Bye 8!  What a great year!

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