I've always loved to belt out a good tune. Whether it was a show tune, nursery rhyme, Bon Jovi- it didn't really matter. I just really love to sing and have always wanted to be a singer. However, the talent wasn't quite there. Now my singing as been put on my family. Kaitlyn goes right along with me and has apparently inherited my singing, song belting genes. The boys...not so much. And Jason has always just rolled his eyes at me. From the time Kaitlyn was 2 she has been creating some great songs. Her first masterpiece was "Standing on a Skateboard". She would sing it like this...Standing on a skateboard looking at the sky-eye....with an extra emphasis on the last "eye". And then she would rock on my Boppy that I had for Zac and sing..Seesaw seesaw over this time...over this time. While playing with her Little People garage with her Dad she belted out...I'm on the phone so leave me alone...while the Little Person was on the garage phone. We also had our bathtime song to make washing her hair a little more enjoyable..."At the beauty saloahoahon...with much emphasis on the "on" in salon. While driving her to school in first grade we made up a great diddy about the crossing guard we called, Flicker. "Flicker, flicker,flicker, flicker flicked us in, flicked us right on in...Flicker, flicker, flicker,flicker flicked us in, flicked us right on in...He flicked us into the parking lot...flicked us right on in...OH, Flicker, flicker, flicker, flicker flicked us in flicked us right on in". And then there was the time (again while driving Kaitlyn to school) that Zac asked when it would be Halloween...I belted out..."We gotta get through winter, next comes spring, then we'll see what summer brings, next comes fall, we'll have a ball because it's Halloween...CHA CHA (with hand motions). One time Zac was so upset over the sippy cup I gave him and I started singing "It doesn't matter what you drink from, it's just juice (it's just juice), it doesn't matter what you drink from, it's just juice (it's just juice), it doesn't matter what you drink from , it's just JUUiicce, It doesn't matter what you drink from...It's just JUICE". I can't quite capture the true show tuney nature of these songs without the music to them. They are masterpieces. We have one for pork as well that I believe Kaitlyn and Zac made up...."Momma made pork, yum...momma made pork, yum...gotta get it ready for your tummy, gotta get it ready for your tummy...Momma made pork, yum". I also like to belt out a good "take me out to the ballgame" every now and then too and my new fave is "Clang clang clang goes the trolley, ring ring ring.....". Like I said, it kind of drives Jason nuts but it's really fun and the songs have stayed with us over the years. The crossing guard song and Fall song were created over 5 years ago and we still sing them. We still see Flicker everyday as well and the tune always comes to mind. Now Kaitlyn and Zac have their own IPods and they prefer to sing their songs but as long as there is singing going on, I don't mind. Gotta love a good tune!